Find your place at the

Dream Center

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Grocery Distribution

    Our Food Pantry and Adopt-a-Block programs help families make meals at home by providing free groceries. Adopt-a-Block’s food truck brings groceries to where the need is in various neighborhoods throughout Bismarck-Mandan. Because of the Dream Center’s great south location, three of those days take place at the Dream Center in the Food Pantry. Our Food Pantry is open 6 days a week during our free meals. If you’d like to help families fill their cupboards at home, this is for you!

  • Community Meals

    The Banquet is a free community meal that takes place in the evening during the week and at noon on the weekends. Everyone is welcome! Our Great Start Breakfast is served every morning during the week. If you enjoy serving in the kitchen and love people, this is for you!

  • Hospitality

    One of our goals at the Dream Center is to make people feel welcomed! Whether it’s a warm greeting at the front door, a warm cup of coffee, an offered prayer, or helping set up for an event, we want our guests to know we care. If you have the gift of “helps” or “hospitality” we have a place for you!

  • Art Classes/Events

    Art can be a great outlet for people dealing with trauma or stressful situations. The Dream Center fills that need to express oneself by providing free art classes for kids and adults. Whether you’d like to face paint for an event, help lead a class, plan a project or just be an encouragement to those attending, there's a place for you!

Not sure where to start?

We’ll help you find your fit!

Simply complete the Volunteer Application below.

We can’t wait to make you a part of our team!